Busted! Don’t Believe These Myths About Career Coaching For Lawyers
Do you feel undervalued in your profession, increasing pressure from your competition, or a sense of unhappiness with your legal career? Well, with the guidance of a career coach, you can defeat these feelings, gain an understanding of your career goals, and start making changes to achieve them.
However, as career coaching for professionals lawyers appears relatively new, you may not have a clear idea of what it has to offer you. Also, as career coaching isn’t openly discussed, quite often, there are several misconceptions associated with this subject. Believing these falsehoods can prevent you from getting the guidance you need to boost your esteem and your career goals.
To help you understand how coaching services really work, professional lawyer coach, Ian Solomon has debunked some of the most widely believed myths about career coaching for lawyers.
Myth 1: Coaching is just for people who have problems, not for successful people.
Coaching helps the good, and the more accomplished get even better. Coaching works best for motivated individuals who want to achieve even more and also those who feel “stuck” in certain areas of their life or work. Some leading executives in the Fortune 500 have their own coaches, as coaching is often used to support key executives who are facing difficult challenges. Even corporate leaders moving into new roles with greater responsibility are keen users of coaching.
Myth 2: Coaching is the same as mentoring.
Mentoring is the process of downloading one’s expertise to an individual in need of advice or answers about the operations or workings of an organization. Coaching, on the other hand, has clearly defined goals, time limits, and mutual accountabilities. Coaches don’t give you answers or tell you what to do. Moreover, coaches help you discover the answers for yourself.
Myth 3: It takes a long time to see the results of coaching.
Coaching is not intended to be a quick fix, but many coaching clients experience tangible results after one or two coaching sessions. The average human tends to change slowly under normal circumstances. However, when people who are engaged, motivated, and ready to seize the opportunity receive coaching, they can achieve remarkable, impressive, rapid, and productive changes in thinking and behavior.
To debunk more career coaching myths like these, reach out to Ian Solomon, a professional lawyer coach in Toronto, ON. Through my practice, I focus on helping individuals develop strategies for coping with the changes in their career transitions so that the process is less distressing, disruptive, and more productive. I also help lawyers and law firms monetize their true value by working with them to discover the relevant issues that keep them from capitalizing on their greatest strengths.
For a complete list of my services, please visit my website. If you have any questions about my practice, I’d love to hear from you. Please contact me here.