Career Coaching for Lawyers in Toronto and across the GTA.

Lawyers Transition Coaching

Ian Solomon coaches lawyers and Law Firms in Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor & surrounding areas through transition to help them become highly valued and sought after and get more clients.


I feel undervalued as a lawyer Yes/No
My practice/our firm is at risk due to competitive pressures Yes/No
I no longer feel the satisfaction or fulfillment I once did for my profession Yes/No
I feel burnt out, unhappy and fearful of change Yes/No

If you answered 'yes' to any of these statements, you owe it to yourself to do something about it. Things won't get better unless you do.

Speak to Ian Solomon at (416) 447-1092 for Career Coaching

They never taught you this in law school...

If you're like many of the lawyers and law firms I work with, you've had a good run. Beyond merely competent, you've successfully proven yourself and your business has flourished. But something happened in the past several years. You're not quite sure what it is, but things are definitely different. You can't simply pin it on the economy - and no amount of professional development can get you past it.

It is possible to turn your practice around, become highly valued and sought after and get more of the clients you want!

Have A Question? Speak To Our Experts!

Using a unique 5-Step Process, I help lawyers monetize their true value by working with them to discover the relevant issues that keep them from capitalizing on their greatest strengths. This is the key to lawyers rediscovering the satisfaction and fulfillment they felt at the start of their career and revitalizing their practice.