Coaching Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur Coaching & Consulting Services in Toronto and across the GTA.
Based in Toronto, Ian Solomon is a certified entrepreneur coach who coaches entrepreneurs to clearly define their goals, ensuring greater focus for their efforts and providing the structure and accountability for successful follow-through.
I work with entrepreneurs in a collaborative process to accelerate their results and achieve their defined goals. Through coaching they discover how to capitalize on their personal and entrepreneurial strengths, manage their limitations, face their fears and tap into what motivates them.
Speak to Ian Solomon at (416) 447-1092 for Entrepreneur Coaching
The coaching experience is powerful for entrepreneurs because it accelerates their progress by opening up alternative perspectives they may have not considered, enabling more effective and creative choices, ensuring greater focus for their efforts and providing the structure and accountability for successful follow-through.
The coaching relationship is focused on action and accountability in which the entrepreneurs hold themselves accountable for their commitment and follow-through to specific actions and to the learning required for progress.
With the help of powerful coaching questions, the entrepreneur learns how to deal with challenges, identify self-defeating influences and shift into more useful patterns of behaviour.
As a certified entrepreneur coach, I can help you clearly define your goals and develop your strengths as an entrepreneur and as a leader. Based in Toronto, I offer my coaching services for entrepreneurs throughout Southern Ontario. As well, I coach entrepreneurs by telephone across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Contact me to find out more about my entrepreneur coaching services.
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About Ian Solomon, Entrepreneur Business Coach
I bring to my coaching practice extensive business and legal expertise. As an entrepreneur coach and mentor, I provide my clients with a strong supporter who can help them see things more clearly, overcome real and perceived barriers they face, utilize their energy on what is really important and thus be more effective and productive. Read my bio to learn more about me.